Top Of The Week

How to Create an Engaging Video for Sales

Creating a video for sales can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tips and tricks, you can...

What Types of Video Content Should be Avoided When Selling Products and Services?

Creating videos that are too long is a common mistake made when creating marketing videos. Overly promotional videos can...

Why Video Advertising is the Best Option for Marketers

Research suggests that the average user remembers 95% of a message when they see it, compared to 10% when it's read. This ...

Why Videos are Essential for Your Website

Videos are an essential part of any website, as they help to keep visitors engaged and build relationships and trust....

Why Video is So Effective in Digital Marketing

Consumers love video content because it's easy to digest, entertaining and engaging. Marketers also appreciate it because ...

Is Video Prospecting an Effective Way to Reach Customers?

Anecdotally and empirically, video prospecting is highly effective for two reasons: it saves time and streamlines the...

Recent Post

The Power of Video Marketing: 14 Reasons to Use Video for Your Business

Video marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It can help increase engagement on your digital and...

Using Videos to Increase Customer Retention in Sales

Videos can be a great way to make a positive first impression with customers. A welcome video thanking customers for...

How Videos Can Help Increase Your Conversion Rate

People are more likely to respond to visuals than text, and some studies suggest that consumers prefer to consume...

Why Video Marketing is the Future of Content Marketing

Just keep in mind that 90% of customers say that video content helps them make easier buying decisions. This is just one...

Using Videos to Create an Emotional Connection with Customers in Sales

Creating an emotional connection with customers is a powerful tool in sales, and videos are an effective way to do this....

Do Videos Help Increase Conversion Rates?

It's no secret that users prefer videos to text, audio, and static images. Eyeview has found that adding a video to a...

What Should a Brand Video Include? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to creating a successful brand video, there are several key elements to consider. Aligning the video with...

Measuring the Success of a Video for Sales: What Metrics to Track

When it comes to measuring the success of a video for sales, there are several metrics that can be tracked to gain...

Editors Picks

4 Types of Sales Videos to Increase Your Conversions

4 Types of Sales Videos to Increase Your Conversions

Video content marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to promote their products and services. It is an effective way...

Is MP4 Video High Quality?

Is MP4 Video High Quality?

An MP4 format can store audio files, video files, still images and text. In addition, MP4 provides high-quality video...

How to Increase Engagement Through Video Marketing

How to Increase Engagement Through Video Marketing

For B2B marketers, there is a great SaaS content marketing playbook from companies like HubSpot and Microsoft. Each...

What is the Best Video Format to Export?

What is the Best Video Format to Export?

When it comes to exporting videos, there are a lot of options available. From MP4 to AVI, TIFF sequence to Quicktime MOV, ...

How Video Content Can Help Your Business Grow

How Video Content Can Help Your Business Grow

Video marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses of all sizes grow. It improves SEO, increases conversions and ...

How Video Increases Engagement: 16 Tips for Marketers

How Video Increases Engagement: 16 Tips for Marketers

Videos are a powerful tool for connecting with your target audience and arousing an emotion that will push them to take...